The citizen coalition
for the protection of

the ocean

The ocean is on fire

The ocean has never been warmer, more polluted, and more ravaged by industrial fishing. The ocean currents that regulate the climate are at risk of collapse. The number of marine heatwaves is skyrocketing, and whales are starving to death.

If the ocean falls, we fall with it.

Restoring the health of the ocean is not an option, it is an obligation. Protecting the ocean is not complicated, we just have to stop destroying it. We must demand political powers to protect both the ocean and humanity. Our survival depends on it.

Join our coalition to act before it’s too late.

A coalition is better than a petition. It represents the formation of a community that will act until victory is achieved.

Already supported by 140 ONGs and movements.
Amis de la Terre
Blue Marine Foundation
Blue Ventures
UICN France
World’s Youth for Climate Justice
1 Ocean
Avant l'orage
Coral Guardian
Expédition Med
Green Cross France Territories
Hope Wave
Jane Goodall Institute France
La Fabrique Ecologique
Le Bruit qui Court
Longitude 181
Planet Tracker
Plastic Odyssey
Sea Around Us
Water Family
Wild Legal
Women for Sea
2050 Today
ACWAA (Awareness Conservation Wildlife And Action)
APOLIMER - Collectif Chercheurs sans frontières pour un océan vivant pour tous
Aider Donner Nourrir (ADN)
Al Lark
Association Agissons pour le Climat Granville Terre et Mer
Association Domaine Sauvage le Costil
Association Domaine Sauvage le Costil
Association Francophone de la Solidarité
Association Planète Perles
Association Salée
Association Zézenne
Association pour l'Etude et la Conservation des Selaciens (APECS)
Atelier des jours à venir
Big'Up Cyclean
Bleu Gorgone
C'est Assez !
CEC (Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat)
Captain Darwin
Chilli app
Chrétiens Unis pour la Terre
Climate Protectors
Collectif Eco Mouvement
Collectif Minuit12
Collectifs des doctorants de l'Universite Gaston Berger de Saint Louis
Compte Carbone
Courant Constructif
Divergence Fertile
Domaine Sauvage le Costil
Déclic Collectif
Défense des Milieux Aquatiques
Ecolo crèche
Estuaire 2050
Faune Sauvage
Follow Me Production
Gaia First
Itsa Arima
JEVEV (Jeunesse et Emplois Verts pour une Economie Verte)
Jeunes Ambassadeurs pour le climats (JAC)
La Dolphin Connection
La Fresque Océane
Landes Aquitaine Environnement
Le Collectif pour une Transition Citoyenne
Le Parti Civil
Le Relais Jeunes
Les Alcidés
Les Alcidés
Les Amis de BioObs
Les dessous de l'iceberg
Look Down Action
Ma Petite Planète
Maiouri Nature Guyane
Maison de l’Artemisia 
Maison du Zéro Déchet
Make Sense
Marine Life Channel
Ocean Academy
On est prêt
People and the Sea
Plombkemon Upcycle
Plongée Arc-en-Ciel
Pour un Réveil Ecologique
Protection des Océans
Quota Climat
SEPANSO Pyrénées Atlantiques
Septentrion Environnement
Shark Citizen
Sharks Mission France
Stop Ecocide Belgique
Sustainable Ocean Alliance
Terre Bleue
The Blue Quest
The Coral Planters
The Good Lobby
The Sea Cleaners
Un Océan de Vie
Under the pole
Universite Gaston Berger de Saint Louis
Vétérinaires Pour la Biodiversité
Wings of the Ocean

The ocean is our lung. Its protection is vital.

And it’s very simple: all we need to do is stop destroying it.

Our lives, the water cycle, droughts, extreme weather events, agricultural production and the entire Earth system are all closely linked to the health of the ocean, but the ocean is in bad shape. Climate change is hitting ecosystems that have been battered by decades of devastation to marine animals and habitats. This is caused by industrial fishing, which is recognized as the leading cause of ocean destruction.

The ocean is our planet’s lifeblood. We have no choice but to urgently protect the entity that houses 98% of the Earth’s water, and upon which humans and all living beings depend. Without the ocean, the climate would collapse.

Protecting the ocean is simple: it’s its destruction that is costing us dearly.

As well as destroying biodiversity and ecosystems, trawlers, which are akin to underwater bulldozers, consume an enormous amount of diesel. Yet we’re the ones who are paying their fuel bills with our taxes! Without public subsidies, trawling would simply disappear. Trawlers generate three times fewer jobs than the selective fishing methods used by artisanal fishers and are three to four times less profitable.

We urgently need to move away from this nonsensical and destructive practice to save the ocean and French fishers, but unless hundreds of thousands of us demand an end to the destruction of the ocean, our voices won’t be heard.

The EU has the world's largest maritime space and our lives depend on the ocean.

Europe must set an example when it comes to protecting the ocean.

At the dawn of a new European mandate, we are calling the European institutions and EU Member states to commit to 15 points that will save the ocean, the climate and jobs, and to start by implementing three urgent measures of public interest:

  • The obvious: ban trawling in so-called “protected” marine areas (which are not actually protected in the slightest!)
  • The common sense: stop subsidizing destructive fishing methods and instead use public money to enable the social, ecological and inclusive transition of the fishing sector towards methods that stop damaging and scarring the ocean.
  • The social justice: protect ecosystems and coastal fishers by excluding industrial ships over 25 meters long from the French coastline (a strip of 12 nautical miles, about 22km)

Our voices can be heard, but above all, they must be heard. The clock is ticking and we have no other choice. Let’s reach victory together.

Join us

Discover reporter Jean-Pierre Canet's hard-hitting investigation into marine protection “à la française”. This documentary is available only in French.

We would like to thank Brainworks for making this documentary available.
Download a kit to organize a screening of the film.


Committed to our side
Pénélope Bagieu

Pénélope Bagieu

Illustrator, designer and comic book author

Marie Darrieussecq

Marie Darrieussecq

Author and psychoanalyst

Cyril Dion

Cyril Dion

Author, director, poet and environmental activist

Camille Etienne

Camille Etienne

Activist, author and director

Lucie Lucas

Lucie Lucas

Actress and model

Guillaume Meurice

Guillaume Meurice

Comedian and author

Guillaume Néry

Guillaume Néry

Freediver, multiple world champion in deep freediving

Matthieu Ricard

Matthieu Ricard

Essayist and Buddhist monk

Mathilde Caillard

Mathilde Caillard

Environmental activist

Adelana H

Adelana H


Eric Altmayer

Eric Altmayer

Movie producer

Swann Arlaud

Swann Arlaud


Arthur H

Arthur H

Musician and composer

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Photographer, filmmaker and environmental activist

Yann Bagot

Yann Bagot


Mateo Bales

Mateo Bales


Lili Barbery

Lili Barbery

Wellness influencer and yoga teacher, author

Philippe Barre

Philippe Barre

Non-conformist entrepreneur and founder of the third place 'Darwin'

Léonore Baulac

Léonore Baulac

Star dancer at the Paris Opera

Bertrand Belin

Bertrand Belin

Author, composer and writer

Julien Berjeaut

Julien Berjeaut

Cartoonist and comic book author

Juliette Binoche

Juliette Binoche


Maxime Blondeau

Maxime Blondeau

Cosmographer, author, co-founder of Sailcoop

Lucile Bordes

Lucile Bordes

Novelist, teacher-researcher

Allain Bougrain-Dubourg

Allain Bougrain-Dubourg

Journalist, director, ornithologist and president of the LPO

Arthur Bourbon

Arthur Bourbon

Director, former professional surfer

Léa Brassy

Léa Brassy

Professional surfer

Stéphane Brizé

Stéphane Brizé

Director and screenwriter

Paul Cassia

Paul Cassia

Professor of law, writer and Vice-President of Anticor



Singer, composer

César RLM

César RLM

Climate rapper




Adelaïde Charlier

Adelaïde Charlier

Climate and human rights activist

Marie Chureau

Marie Chureau

Activist for climate and social justice

Maxime Combes

Maxime Combes

Economist, environmental activist committed against trade agreements

Bérengère Cournut

Bérengère Cournut

Writer and author of children's literature

Marie-Kell de Canart

Marie-Kell de Canart

Skipper, violinist, marine biologist and environmental activist

Antoine de Caunes

Antoine de Caunes

Filmmaker, director and writer

Yolaine de La Bigne

Yolaine de La Bigne

Journalist, environmental activist for animal rights

Benjamin de Molliens

Benjamin de Molliens

Speaker, adventurer, co-founder of Expedition Zero

Maxime de Rostolan

Maxime de Rostolan

Serial entrepreneur, founder of Fermes d’Avenir and Sailcoop

Laurie Debove

Laurie Debove

Journalist, Editor-in-Chief - la Relève et la Peste

Moustapha Dieng

Moustapha Dieng

Fisherman and general secretary of the union of artisanal fishermen of Senegal

Adeline Dieudonné

Adeline Dieudonné

Belgian author

Myriam Donasis

Myriam Donasis

Author director

Zar Amir Ebrahimi

Zar Amir Ebrahimi

Franco-Iranian actress and director

Vincent Edin

Vincent Edin

Journalist and writer

Loup Espargilière

Loup Espargilière

Journalist, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Vert le Média

Julia Faure

Julia Faure

Co-founder of the ethical clothing brand Loom

Sébastien Folin

Sébastien Folin

Audiovisual presenter, producer

Tom Frager

Tom Frager

Author and composer, vice French surfing champion in 1994

Alexis Fraikin

Alexis Fraikin


François Gabart

François Gabart

Multi-champion sailor, winner of the Vendée Globe, the Route du Rhum, the Transat Jacques Vabre

Gaetan Gabriele

Gaetan Gabriele

Environmental activist

José Garcia

José Garcia

Actor and comedian

Girl Go Green

Girl Go Green

Content creator, media activist

Simonetta Greggio

Simonetta Greggio

Author, journalist

Sébastien Gueze

Sébastien Gueze

Opera singer

Vanessa Guide

Vanessa Guide


Karine Jacquemart

Karine Jacquemart

Ardent human rights defender and director of Foodwatch

Vinz Kanté

Vinz Kanté

Journalist, radio host and activist

Galitt Kenan

Galitt Kenan

Peace activist, director of the Jane Goodall Institute France

Francine Kreiss

Francine Kreiss

Freediver, photographer and journalist

Manon Lanjouère

Manon Lanjouère

Visual artist

Samuel le Bihan

Samuel le Bihan

Actor and comedian

Azenor Le Gal

Azenor Le Gal


Arthur Le Vaillant

Arthur Le Vaillant

Environmental activist navigator, author and composer

Ainhoa Leiceaga

Ainhoa Leiceaga

Professional surfer

Maud Lelièvre

Maud Lelièvre

President of the French committee of the UICN



Author and composer

Elliot Lepers

Elliot Lepers

Environmental activist

Laure Limongi

Laure Limongi




Singer and composer

Isabel Marant

Isabel Marant

Fashion designer

Mary-Lou Mauricio

Mary-Lou Mauricio

Photographer, founder of 'Born in PPM'

Léonore Mercier

Léonore Mercier

Visual artist and director

Vincent Message

Vincent Message

Writer, teacher

Catherine Meurisse

Catherine Meurisse

Illustrator, press cartoonist

Alexis Michalik

Alexis Michalik

Screenwriter, director and actor

Baptiste Morizot

Baptiste Morizot

Écrivain, philosophe et pisteur

Vincent Munier

Vincent Munier

Wildlife photographer, explorer and filmmaker

Fabio Muzzolini

Fabio Muzzolini

Navigator preparing for the Transat Jacques Vabre

Ben Névert

Ben Névert

YouTuber and author

Claude Nori

Claude Nori

Photographer and editor, founder of the 'Terre d'images' festival

Anne-Sophie Novel

Anne-Sophie Novel

Journalist, author and director

Wilfried N Sondé

Wilfried N Sondé

Writer, winner of 17 literary prizes

Alain Passard

Alain Passard

Head Chef of Arpège ***

Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout

Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout

Navigator and Explorer 'Under The Pole'

Swann Périssé

Swann Périssé


Alessandro Pignocchi

Alessandro Pignocchi

Comic book author, cognitive science researcher

Pablo Pillaud-Vivien

Pablo Pillaud-Vivien

Journalist, editor-in-chief of Regards

Romain Pilliard

Romain Pilliard

Environmental activist navigator

Nelly Pons

Nelly Pons

Essayist writer

Vipulan Puvaneswaran

Vipulan Puvaneswaran

Climate activist

Johan Reboul

Johan Reboul

Climate content creator, founder of "Le Jeune Engagé"

Yannis Richardt

Yannis Richardt

Journalist and founder of "Les Belles Nouvelles"

Blandine Rinkel

Blandine Rinkel

Author, musician and dancer

Alexis Rosenfeld

Alexis Rosenfeld

Underwater explorer and photographer

Daphné Roulier

Daphné Roulier


Blanche Sabbah

Blanche Sabbah

Comic book author, feminist activist

Eva Sadoun

Eva Sadoun

Entrepreneur and activist, co-founder of and Rift

Enric Sala

Enric Sala

Explorer in Residence, National Geographic 'Pristine Seas'

Céline Sallette

Céline Sallette


François Sarano

François Sarano

Oceanographer and professional diver

Jules Stimpfling

Jules Stimpfling

Influencer, co-founder of the media Le Crayon




Priscilla Telmon

Priscilla Telmon

Director, photographer and travel writer

Stan Thuret

Stan Thuret

Navigator and filmmaker



Folk and reggae music group

Victoire Tuaillon

Victoire Tuaillon

Feminist author and journalist

Samuel Valensi

Samuel Valensi

Author, director and actor

Elise Van Beneden

Elise Van Beneden

President of Anticor, lawyer committed to the fight against corruption



Author, composer and performer

Séverine Vasselin

Séverine Vasselin

Actress, co-founder of Watertrek

Vincent Verzat

Vincent Verzat

Videographer and journalist

Sigolène Vinson

Sigolène Vinson


Lune Vuillemin

Lune Vuillemin




Musician, composer and video maker

Marina Yakovlev

Marina Yakovlev

Founder of EcoYako and Vice-President of "Pour plus de climat dans les médias"

Maxime Zucca

Maxime Zucca

Ornithologist, naturalist and author

An appeal from 300 researchers

Scientists from around the world are calling for a ban on all destructive fishing methods and industrial activities in marine protected areas.